Interpretation in Kuwait

Simultaneous interpretation of conferences is a very important field and does not accept a single mistake in all its stages, whether in terms of arrangement, preparation, organization, expertise and efficiency of technicians and quality of equipment, and the most important is the experiences of interpreters in all languages, their selection, training and qualification according to the highest international quality standards approved in accordance with the system followed in the United Nations – The institution that includes the world’s best interpreters in all languages – a comprehensive system that combines the best expertise and competencies in the world.

In Kuwait and the Arab Gulf states, there are many, many important international conferences, events, seminars, training courses, workshops and meetings at the level of corporate meetings and representatives of international agencies in all fields throughout the year, and each of the organizers of these conferences is keen on the success of the conference in all its aspects. It is of great importance in communicating the message, whether to the participants, the trainees, or even the lecturers, and it is a major component in the success of any event. Those in charge of work always seek to rely in this aspect on a professional service provider, because he does not accept experience – complete success or complete failure – an aspect that is overlooked Many organizers sometimes think that this aspect does not receive much attention, and they thus neglect the importance of interpretation, which is, so to speak, the main body in this or that event, and it entails many important procedures and decisions at all levels, and at other times the lack of expertise What is sufficient for the service provider to do the work in the appropriate manner as it is at the level of the event, and her words are the result of the organizer’s vision of the work, he may choose a low-cost service provider and does not have the experience What qualifies him to do the work in an appropriate and appropriate manner for the nature of this event or that, and then negatively affect the event, and poor organization accompanied by unsatisfactory effects that result in large financial and professional losses for the client, and by virtue of our great experience in this field and reading the market and its requirements and our full knowledge of competitors in this field, We affirm that we have great experience, both in terms of selecting the best interpreters in the Arab Gulf countries to carry out our tasks and they are an integral part of our team at Source for translation and conferences, or in terms of the expertise of our technicians in dealing with all urgent problems, their organization and speed of performance and solving all the obstacles that may arise They arise during the work of interpretation and their ability to control the modern and advanced interpretation equipment through which we work, and help the client to get the event out in the best possible way, or in terms of the quality and accuracy of our equipment and the absence of transmission and reception problems in it and its compliance with the best international specifications, and we will explain about the interpretation equipment Its mechanism of action and its models are easily available, so that you are fully aware of the services provided to you.

Stages of implementing interpretation tasks:-
1- The customer communicates with us through the available means of communication, preferably before the date of the event in a suitable time to take all the measures that will lead to the unparalleled success of a special event.
2- Our representatives work by receiving the call from the client to obtain all the available information in a way that helps with full visibility in order to provide an appropriate price offer, such as:

  • Information and communication data with the conference organizer or those requesting interpretation services. The address of the conference and the participating parties. The venue and date of the conference.
  • Number of conference days, hours, start and end dates in relation to interpretation services.
  • The number of conference attendees and their nationalities, if possible, to provide advice on the required languages, along with English, which is the dominant language in simultaneous interpretation.
  • Obtaining the speeches of speakers, workshops and any printed content that contributes to crystallizing the full information about the conference to facilitate the work of the interpreter, and informing him of content through which he can provide the best possible performance with the use of appropriate technical and specialized terminology in interpretation. Which entails presenting an appropriate price quotation to the client with all the services accompanying the interpretation process, and requires him to agree in writing to the quotation to become a binding contract between the two parties, and then go to the conference venue before installing the interpretation equipment sufficient time to inspect the hall and determine the location of the equipment installation to become The translator during his work while he is in the translation room has a clear vision and the absence of any obstacles that may negatively affect the performance of the interpreter, which we cannot accept. Organizing, arranging and helping to solve problems and make the event a success is an integral part of our work at Source Translation Company. Our interpreters have great experiences, they are the ones who have translated in all important international conferences inside the State of Kuwait over the past tens of years, a large and distinguished network of interpreters from all Arab countries in translation to and from all international languages spread in the fields of industry, trade, economy, finance and politics . According to all of the above, we are looking forward to a fruitful partnership with a distinguished client who, as we mentioned above, accepts only the best services that we can provide through our work at Source Translation.

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